Tag Archives: colors

Liam’s first birthday!

Although it was over a month ago I feel the need to blog about Liam’s first birthday party. Why? Because It was frikken adorable and I put a ton of hard work and time into it! After spending countless hours on pinterest, google, and youtube I found the perfect party theme. I wanted something different for his first birthday not the typical mickey mouse, elmo, construction, or even “little man” party.  Dr. Seuss was perfect! So many fun colors to play with and tons of characters to get ideas from! We were lucky enough that Liam’s actual birthday fell on a Saturday the perfect day for our little man’s party.

The invitation


unnamed (1)

They were seriously the hardest part, I wanted to hand make them myself.. So I did…. Never again! They came out adorable of course. I cut, folded, and glued card stock paper as the envelope, cut a V shape into the center, cut the striped paper and glued it to the center. Then I hot glued pipe cleaner to the edges, printed and cut out a cat in the hat picture and got some polka dot ribbon and tied a bow and glued it to the cat for a more 3-D effect! Just typing that seemed like a lot of work, I am so glad that part is done and over with.

I wanted to hand make most of the decorations even though I could of bought them off of Etsy and saved a ton of time, I was determined to do it all myself!

Fish bowl center pieces!



I ordered the fish bowls in bulk from the dollar tree online & bought fuzz to glue around the center,  15 cent gold fish from Walmart and the rocks from the dollar tree and Waaalllaahh a perfect center piece. 😀

DIY truffula trees!



So the only picture I have of these are ones during the party hence the coffee cup and trash.. I wish I would of got some pics of all of the 8 trees I made in different colors! Anyways! In order to make these I bought terra cot pots, 2 Styrofoam balls, a boa, and fake moss. I used a stick from the backyard and spray painted them white and then once they dried I painted black stripes on them. Easy. Next I hot glued an 8 ft. boa to a 6 inch styrofoam ball. not so easy, I recommend finding the 5 inch ball to make sure it covers the entire ball.  Next I stuck the second ball in to the pot and hot glued moss to cover all of the white. I then stuck the stick in the boa covered ball and then into the pot. !

Book signing!


I bought the picture off of etsy for 8 bucks and printed it out at home, bought the Happy Birthday To You book by Dr. Seuss and a cheap frame from walmart and had all of our guest write a message in it for Liam to read as he gets older.

“One I am” Banner!

liams banner

I had his banner for his high chair made by The Banner Girls on Facebook!

Other than that most of his decorations I ordered off of Oriental trading and BirthdayExpress.com!




So a lot of it isn’t pictured but we did “green eggs and ham sandwhiches”, “one fish two fish gold fish” “Beezlenutberries” fruit and veggies, “poodles noodles” a spaghetti salad and pink yink drink! There was food labels for everything that I purchased off of etsy and printed them out and pasted them onto some left over cardstock from the invitations I made!






The best part of the entire party was the cake and treats my talented aunt and grandma made! Seriously!

cookies DSC_0249 DSC_0253 His smash cake was to die forDSC_0261 DSC_0287 DSC_0292 DSC_0293 DSC_0303 DSC_0305 DSC_0353 DSC_0562 mustache 1012142_10201722231886172_326222594_n 1524796_10201722231806170_1682827635_n 1926814_10201722226126028_69430805_n


There is a few things not pictures like the goody bags and such but then this blog would go one for days! His party was so much fun and Liam had a blast. Everyone loved all of the work I put into it ! I hope I gave you some ideas on an awesome Dr. Seuss party!