

Flash back to March 22, 2013 8:47 p.m. The moment my son was born. The craziest yet most beautiful memory. I laid my eyes on the most amazing little human who was just as much mine as I was his. I promised him to always be there for him, even when he didn’t want me to any more. This past year with my boy has” flown” by. It was almost to fast to remember. What happened to the 6 lb baby who needed to be held in order to fall asleep? Where did those chubby little thigh rolls go? One year later, he is falling asleep with crackers in his hand and grass stains on his knees. He doesn’t like to share and loves to be read to. He loves rides at Disneyland, He loves an adventure. He is my son and I am his keeper. This is our adventure.

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